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Are the similar cultural stories that appear throughout history, like tails of the fey, Big Foot, or even Nessy just cryptids that could be categorized and explained with further investigations?

When we engage in ritualistic “cleansings” like exorcisms or smudgings, is it the actions performed or is there something in the chemical compounds, like silver, holy water, or white sage, at play?

As we try to connect to an “imprint” through readings or divination, are the physical items we use only props, or do they act as some form of conduit?

These questions and others have led PR to apply logic, scientific method and technology to our explorations. We have an extensive collection of logging and detection equipment that enjoy using in the unique situations each investigation brings.  We are looking to join others with similar interests and experiences in my quest for answers.

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Regis A. Moore

Observational Scientist, Lead Investigator, Lead Researcher


A successful business professional currently living in the Chicago area. He would not describe himself as a skeptic, or someone who doubts the truth of something just because they have no first-hand experience, but as a rationalist who bases opinions and actions on reason and knowledge rather than beliefs or emotional responses. It is because of this that he studies paranormal phenomena by applying systematic observation, measurement, and experimentation.

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